Most children are constantly reprimanded by their parents to ‘get off the computer’ or various other gadgets. Numerous public speakers have warned against the addictiveness of gaming and ‘gaming disorder’ is a newly recognised mental health issue. In the eyes of many people, gaming is a destructive way that many people spend their time.  

However, unknown to many, gaming accounts can be sold for thousands of pounds. I interviewed a person who managed to sell a Runescape account for a large sum of money.

How long have you been playing Runescape for?

I think I started playing Runescape when I was in Year 6 or 7, so I must have been around 11 years old.

So what exactly did you do to sell the account?

Well, there are a lot of gamers that don’t want to work on the game until they get to the highest level, so gamers like me spend ages playing until we get to the highest level, and then we sell them for the highest price we can get, and it’s almost guaranteed that we can get a lot of money.

What are you doing with the money you made?

I bought an iPhone X, and I gave some of the money to my mum, and I’ve just been spending the rest on miscellaneous items. I’ve been trying to save some money for university, but that hasn’t been too successful.

Why did you sell the account?

Like I said before, I’ve been playing this game for at least 6 years, so I got bored. A friend asked me about selling my account, and after the price they offered, I decided that I should. I don’t have a job so this was an easy opportunity to get cash, and it felt like a good reward seeing as I spent so long playing on that account.

Will you continue playing Runescape now that you’ve sold the account?

I think I might, as I find it quite interesting and it’s an enjoyable way to pass time, although I don’t think I’ll play it as much as I did before.

Do you think gaming is as bad as people make it out to be?

Definitely not. I’ve developed quite good reaction times, and hand-eye coordination, and I’ve met so many new people and friends that I would never have met if I didn’t play.  However, I do see where people are coming from. It’s easy to get addicted and it can be quite hard to concentrate on other things when you always have a game on your mind.