Tuesday 28th of February is shrove Tuesday but more commonly know to primary school children as pancake as that's how it's promoted in schools and advertisement.I noticed that many young children were missing the point of the day and not understanding that pancake day is actually shrove Tuesday and that there is a real meaning to it.Shrove follows form the word shrive which means to obtain absolution for one's sins by way of Confession and doing penance.Many people would confess and plan how they will repent for the following 40 day event of lent.People would confess from about the week before and the last day of this confession will be shrove Tuesday.This day marks the end of sins as lent represents new beginnings, new behaviour and a new approach to life.I feel like Shrove tuesday is very important and has a very important message and presence therefor  it is important for us to remember this rather than promoting the physical part of the day the food of which now specifically is pancakes.This is recreating the day to be something that it is not and blocking out the life lessons this day/practice has to offer.It is very important that this days meaning is not being diverted when being introduced to children, as children have a lot of lessons to be learnt in their younger life and must know and understand the benefits of these lessons.By introducing shrove Tuesday properly children will understand the meaning of confessing to something bad they may have done and learning how to move forward and repent by having a knew beginning from the day of lent.Children will be more willing to take part in lent and if they know the meaning of shrove Tuesday will therefore become more controlled when it comes to perhaps breaking their 40 days of giving up.At my local church last Sunday we spoke about the relevance of shrove Tuesday and how it should really be projected as shrove Tuesday rather than pancake day.Pancakes are relevant to the day as on the day people were known to have a feast, binge eat as fasting was right around the corner, a day to enjoy the last of the food you will be giving up until Easter and committing sins such as greediness.In many other countries people eat things other than pancakes,Icelandic people eat meat and peas, the Swedish eat a Swedish pastry, and further more.Many countries eat different things to represent the day but we should never forget what the day is actually about.

Nayana Brown year 10 bromley high