
All our lives we go from one label to the next. In fact it starts the second we are born, our very names dictating the way we are percieved forvever. 

It is not hard to understand why we need lables, of course we need to know who is who and what is what- it's the way of life, it keeps order and organisation underway.

Yet we can question why labels are so significant- even gender is being questioned- now called a 'social construct', apparently we are allowed to be who we want to be, so why do these labels still exist? 

The truth is people like identifying with a group of people, they like the sense of belonging and uniqueness when you can state who you are, and when that label diffrentiates you from the people who surround you.

Despite this every label has a stigma attached to it, whether in the form of a stereotype or a prejudice, people have beliefs about others that they refuse to let go. 

In conclusion labels may be important to society and even individuals may consider these labels as necessary, but perhaps we should remove the pressure we place on them and allow eachother to do what we want without the hate and tension consantly burdening each group of people.

Davina Veselichka, Bancrofts school