Over the last week many across Epping forest would’ve been left in shock after the unpredictable turn that the weather took, in particular Sunday 18th and Monday 19th which saw dramatically cold temperatures. A month which sees averages of 9 degrees Celsius has caused confusion amongst the public as the two days saw highs of -1 (degrees Celsius) and lows of -3 on the Sunday, and highs of 1 and lows of -2 on Monday, which for the Segway of seasons, Winter to Spring, is particularly unusual. Such temperatures that would be likened to December and January left many wondering, what the cause of this change was.

Climate change is at the forefront of these speculations and with good reason. The possibility of even more snow being one of the main contributing factors of this leaves even some school children sick and tired at the idea of a third wave of snow in the local area. Of course, it also heightens frustrations with businesses as it begs the question once again, how will my employees make it to work? All in all, slowing down the country, however not just economically, but this time socially as many of the locals in Epping forest begin to become lackluster in their efforts to remain positive and motivated in order to work through poor weather conditions.

This should send a message to not just Parliament but also communities across the country, that in order for its people to move forward we must tackle the biggest issue facing not just the UK, but the planet, which is Climate Change.

By Teddy Chamberlain, Debden Park High School.