Cyberbullying is any form of bullying that takes place online or through smartphones and tablets. Social networks such as Facebook, Snapchat, Instagram or any other chat rooms that can be fun and a positive experience. But what are you meant to do when things go wrong?

People may believe that face to face bullying is bad but what happens when you can't get away from the bully? What if the bully is on your phone? Your laptop? One of the biggest difference between face to face bullying and cyber bullying is that it can be hard to get away from, in school, you can always walk away or avoid it, but with cyberbullying, you can be bullied anywhere, anytime - even when you are in the safe sanctuary you call home.

Cyberbullying can affect people of any age, including children, teens and adults. In fact, one in five 13-18-year-olds have experienced cyberbullying and believe that it is worse than face to face bullying. Cyberbullying can make a person feel extremely overwhelmed which can lead to self-consciousness. Many children and teens feel unable to confide in anyone in fear of being judged.

For many, cyberbullying affects their daily lives and is a constant reason for distress and worry. As technology furthers, and mobile technology being so freely available it is an ongoing issue and is pretty relentless. There are many reports of cyberbullying resulting in tragic consequences such as suicide and self-harm.

The charity ChildLine says that it has seen a large increase in the number children contacting it with concerns of online bullying.

In 2015, it was found that 11% of 15-16 year olds had experienced cyberbullying. (15% amongst girls and 7% amongst boys). Another study showed that 62% of parents are concerned about cyberbullying and only one in 10 are aware of that their child has been cyberbullied.

As technology increases in our lives, cyberbullying increases, ruling our lives. Someone you many not even know is making you feel distressed and anxious, but why should you care? Of course, it's not always a stranger but approval has its effects in many different ways, in some cases, the approval of a stranger can make a big difference, how many times have you gotten dressed to fit in and win the approval of people? How many times have you changed for what you thought was going to make you look better in the eyes of society? How many times have you changed something based on something you read online? Why would you want the approval of a cyber bully? Why would anyone want the approval of any kind of bully?

Written by Saima Ali – The Sydney Russell School