One of the most popular and well known restraint branch of Seven Kings has been closed for a month now: McDonald’s.

It closed near the beginning of January and is opening on the first of February after being refurbished.

Although every local resident is excited to see the new changes to their “favourite” place many are annoyed at the delay and inconvenience caused by the closing down in order to add additions to the building.

A local resident and the biggest fan of the restaurant, Miss Widecom said: “I have been waiting to eat there for ages but it is taking so long and there is no other branch of McDonald’s near my house”

Another rather annoyed resident, Mr Andrews said: “it closed without no warning and it is taking so much time for it to open again. Although there are many restaurants near me there isn’t one like McDonalds.”

All this is good news for McDonald’s because as soon as it reopens, it will be bombarded with customers, meaning the business will make loads and loads of money. All the McDonald addicts will be lining up as soon as it opens and waiting to order their favourites they have been yearning and craving for all that time.

The builder working on the refurbishment said: “the upgrading will be complete soon and I have to say the new McDonald’s will be worth all that wait, its something extraordinary I promise you.”

Every local resident of Seven Kings impatiently awaiting the grand reopening and their mouths are already watering just imagining the meals they haven’t had in month.