As the countdown to GCSE’s is almost over, the stress is building and the nerves are rising. What else is more relaxing to think about than summer? Nearly 3 months off of school, making it the longest holiday we have ever experienced, I mean surely we deserve it after the tedious exam timetables we are all facing. But how can we use the large amounts of free time we have to benefit us?

Obviously you must take a well earned break after your countless exams but then what? You cant sit around all summer, wasting precious day after precious day, that would just be a pointless waste of time. Instead try and use your summer in a beneficial way, work experience is one of the most important things to have on your CV and summer is the perfect time to do a few weeks placement. Search around your local area for openings, or if you’re feeling ambitious maybe apply to a large corporation or a business up in central London to broaden your horizons even further. Work experience is crucial when applying to sixth forms and universities as it shows that you are capable in work enviornments and that you have experience working alongside others.

Not only could you consider taking part in work experience but you could also partake in a beneficial programme such as NCS (National Citizens Service) which is a programme that supports young people and gives them amazing experiences. You get to have fun, socialise with new people and gain experience working alongside others. This again shows how well rounded and dedicated you are as you have given up your summer to work on yourself and improve your skills in many aspects.

So, when you’re planning your summer maybe try to fit in a little extra, of course give yourself some time to sit back and relax but definitely take advantage of the time you have and really consider working on improving your CV for the future, you wont regret it. 

Pippa Watson 

Ursuline Academy Ilford