Over the years, the sanctity of the roads in Essex have decreased proving difficult for residents to park and drive with ease. With this I have contacted the local council to see what they are going to do about this highly irrigating issue that affects a high number of people. At first they did not respond but after countless calls and trips to the town hall they responded to my e-mail saying that they are “doing the upmost to ensure safety amongst the community” and “plans have been commissioned to improve the quality of some roads”. The council did not seem to speculate on their exact of plans but I have not seen any improvements. Published records online show that the necessary signatures have been collected yet no action has been taken on the council’s behalf. The inconvenience of having your tire flatten because of a pot hole is not pleasant. As a community, we have shown cohesion and unity yet this event has highlighted the council’s incompetence and unwillingness to act on a situation that affects the entirety of a community. Moreover the pot holes add additional cost to residents as having to get there tyres fixed as frequently, is extremely expensive and unreasonable to make people pay for damage incurred that in no way is there fault. Overall I feel as though this is a serious issue that needs to be taken care of.