US, UK and France strike Syria after chemical attacks

On the 13th of April, the US, UK and France led an attack on Syria after the use of chemical weapons by the Syrian government and Russia on April 7th. Before the strikes, President Donald trump gave a speech announcing the air strikes and justifying them. “The purpose of our actions tonight is to establish a strong deterrent against the production, spread and use of chemical weapons. Establishing this deterrent, is a vital, national security interest of the United States.” Said Trump on the night of April 13th

The chemical weapons have caused at least 42 casualties, with some of those being children. Victims of the chemicals were said to have foam coming out of their mouths, an effect of being exposed to a nerve agent.

The United States have intervened like this before in the Syrian war. Last April, President Trump ordered for a similar strike in rebel-controlled Northern Syria. The US launched 59 tomahawk missiles which caused 80+ casualties. Now having seen all of this, it must look like Trump has no intentions of leaving Syria alone but just 2 weeks before the attack, Trump stated that he wanted to extract the 2,000 american troops fighting ISIS. After some persuasion from his advisors, he permitted the stay of the american troops but reminded that they must be gone in 6 months.

All of this really started when president of Syria, Bashar-al-Asad implemented a strict regime so that he could stay in power, his forces targeted `terrorists’ but more accurately described as rebel forces, Russia has a port in Syria which they will lose if Asad is overthrown. Therefore, Syria is being funded with weapons and money by Russia to prevent the `dethroning’ of Al-Asad. There are also multiple other forces such as the US, who are fighting ISIS or the Turkish, who are fighting the Kurds.

Russia has denied any sort of chemical being conducted Al-Asad’s forces or Russia’s. Needless  to say, the majority of people know that this is not true. It is only time until the next move, it’s who makes it that matters.