A lot of people will, at one point or another, share their home with a pet. Where these pets come from, and their history, isn’t always a major concern to pet owners, however a certain few due do play close attention to this and are often the ones that love their pet the most.

In the past, my family and I have had a collection of hamsters, fish and Guinea pigs, however two years ago, we got our cat. Our cat is called Blue, who has the appearance of a Russian Blue (breed), with a beautifully dense coat and big green eyes. We adopted him from Battersea Cats Home, in Windsor, even though we hadn’t originally gone to the adoption center with the intention of brining our own fury friend home. Blue was 14 years old at the time and had made his way to Battersea after his previous owners passed away. Initially we were slightly discouraged by his age, however after living with him for over 2 years, we have discovered it is in no way a bad thing, and only gives him more character and emotion.

When we went to Battersea, Blue was unsurprisingly a bit scared. For a cat, rehousing must be a truly terrifying experience, even though the cattery makes every effort to minimize the stress. Blue had had a minor heart condition, most likely due to the stress, however Battersea gave Blue a full medical check and prescribed him with some tablets to help with the stress and associated fur loss, as well as giving him some nice food.

Now, Blue is an extremely happy and healthy cat, who enjoys spending his time lying on the warm floor of the conservatory, or bravely exploring the garden, and rolling in his catmint. I can’t recommend adopting a cat from Battersea enough, not only does it bring joy and happiness to the family, but also the cat.