It was a case of baa-d behaviour when a ram went on the run at St George's Hospital.

Last week the errant sheep trotted into the Tooting hospital's grounds and was found wandering around by security staff on Tuesday.

The woolly animal was nicknamed George by groundsmen and admitted into a non-clinical building in the hospital grounds while they tried to find out where he was from.

That remained a bit of a mystery on Friday afternoon.

Rumours of him being the hospital's own cloned version of Dolly were quickly quashed.

Last Friday a hospital spokesman said: "We don't know where the sheep came from or how he came to be on our site, but we're doing our best to look after him while we wait for someone to take him somewhere more suited to his needs.

"Our groundsmen cornered the sheep before it found its way into one of our buildings and for the time being, the sheep or George, as we have taken to calling him is being looked after by hospital staff in an area well away from patients."

He said Dean City Farm had refused to take George because he was uncastrated and could therefore prove dangerous to staff and other animals.

The RSPCA would not get involved because they did not deal with farm animals, he said.

Hospital groundsmen cared for the sheep all week and on Sunday he was collected by a farmer from Heathrow.

He is now in the company of 2,000 other sheep.