A Staines karate master has finally discovered why he was mistaken for a brothel madam, after a raunchy raid a few doors up.

Burly black belt and ex-karate instructor, Ben Craft, 48 who lives with his girlfriend Wendy Samson in London Road, said he has been answering the door to "smirking drunken men" ever since he painted his door green last May and for months he was confused as he turned each one away.

But when he read in last week's Staines Guardian that the The Green Door brothel had been discovered in his street, all became clear.

Shift worker Mr Craft, said he saw the funny side now but because he often had to get up at 5am for work, the late night callers had started to try his patience. "We made a joke of it, especially as I opened the door in my dressing gown once - I think I gave the guy a bit of a shock," he said.

"But, when I saw the police activity, the penny dropped. Yes, it was a relief to read what was going on."

Miss Samson, 42, said she answered the door a few times to men she now suspects as brothel customers.

The most recent was at 7.30pm a few weeks ago.

She said: "Luckily Ben's been there every time - I would have found it less funny if I was here alone."

The easy-going couple share a live and let live attitude to the sex business operating up the road, Miss Craft adding: "It was a bit of a surprise, but it doesn't bother me in the slightest what people get up to behind closed doors."

They are deciding on a new colour for their front door to paint over the green. "I think we'll avoid red too," said Mr Craft, "Maybe we'll go for blue."