A SPRITUALIST believes he has visions of murder victim Sally Anne Bowman, who has told him about her killer.

Ben Murphy says the 18-year-old, killed and sexually assaulted in Croydon in September last year, has appeared to him on several occasions during group sessions at the Spiritualist church in St Albans.

The 35-year-old plasterer, from Watford, believes he has been given vital clues as to the identity of the murderer and is frustrated that police will not take him seriously.

Mr Murphy said: "Sally first showed me how a man grabbed her from behind.

"He was wearing gloves and a hooded top, but his face was blanked out. He had stabbed her quite a few times.

"She then showed me a handbag with some writing on the side and also some of the things from her bag a phone, some keys.

"At this stage, the members of the circle were listening and thee or four of them mentioned a lipstick or lip balm. Sally Anne then showed a man in his bedroom taking a clear bag containing a few of her personal items out of a wardrobe within his bedroom.

"From the bedroom show showed me a park. In the park she showed me a small hill where there was a tree and a man kneeling down at the tree.

"She said that these items are buried here and the man comes back to look at them.

"I was also given the name Justin while in meditation.

"She gave me the actual experience of being covered in blood.

"I was lying at an angle as if my back was in arched position and the blood running up my face and into my hair.

"She also showed me a shoe print which had been left in blood."

The visions, which have come from looking into flames during group meditation sessions, have lasted for up to an hour.

Mr Murphy, who believes he has been having psychic experiences of sorts since 2001, says the dead teenager has also given him messages for her family and boyfriend.

He has drawn a picture of the killer, markedly different from the official police drawing.

A Met spokesman said: "We get a lot of calls from spiritualists, but we deal in fact."