A perturbed Labour Party is rallying its voters after a poll published this morning showed Steve Norris was only two points behind Ken Livingstone.

According to the Evening Standard, which commissioned the YouGov poll, the candidates are today "neck and neck" in what both parties have described as a two-horse race.

Ken Livingstone this morning appealed to Green and Lib Dem voters across London for support in tomorrow's vote.

"I have always said over-confidence or apathy would make the election much closer than people thought. London has a progressive majority for continuing the type of policies I have started," he said.

"It would be a disaster for those Londoners to wake up after the election to find they have a Tory Mayor, when they would never have allowed it to happen if they had thought it possible. That is why I hope Labour voters will turn out and Liberal Democrats and Greens will give their second preferences to me."

Despite the Standard's crowing about his election chances, however, Mr Norris was far from triumphalist about the poll. This morning he told Local London he was taking nothing for granted.

"When polls go out against you you say you don't believe them, you can hardly believe them when they suddenly go your way," Mr Norris said.

"We've always known it was going to be a knife edge, we've always known it was going to be a two-horse race, we always knew it would be about getting your vote out on the day. We're confident we can do that."

The Lib Dems' party chairman, Lord Rennard, claimed today Simon Hughes was still the only candidate who could beat Ken if he got into second place.

"Not a single Conservative seriously believes that Steve Norris can win, and his position with Jarvis was confirmation that he believes that he cannot win," he said.