DRIVERS fined for Parking in Marlow should not escape punishment because of 'technicalities', a former councillor has said, regardless of UKIP's claims about the legality of restrictions.

It follows European MP Nigel Farage's call in October for thousands of motorists to be reimbursed.

The party exclusively revealed to the Free Press it had carried out its own survey of the lines and signs in the town and found many were incorrect, backing claims first made by Bisham resident Brian Hooper.

However, Derek Done, 76, of Harwood Road, the former planning committee chairman for Wycombe District Council, insists drivers should not get off on 'technicalities' and said the party should be re-named the ‘UK Indiscriminate Parking’ party.

In a letter to the Marlow Free Press he wrote: “Whilst there may be some who were misled by poorly sited signs indicating the times that Parking bans were in force for whom a refund is called for, there can be no such excuse for those caught parking on double yellow lines, even if signs were ‘the wrong colour’ or ‘the measurements were wrong’.

Marlow Society member Mr Done said: “You don’t need a sign to tell you that you shouldn’t park there, you just need to know your highway code –a legal requirement for all drivers.

“In other areas of law enforcement, the dodgy lawyer who gets lawbreakers off on a technicality does not attract much sympathy, but where ‘poor persecuted motorists’ are concerned, it seems things are different.”

Mr Done was supported in another letter from Roger Povey, of Bovingdon Green, a Marlow resident for 30 years.

He wrote: “As far as I am concerned the existing signage gives a clear indication of where people can park and for how long and to me it is an academic, expensive and time consuming exercise for the council trying to decide whether or not the markings are technically correct.

“It's only recently the one hour parking restrictions have been enforced. Historically most spaces were occupied by nine o’clock by local business people including shopkeepers and as about only half moved during the day spaces available to shoppers were very limited."

Shopkeepers and residents “ should be grateful” because it is easier for shoppers to find a space, he said.

He wrote: “Marlow is now one of the few towns in the area which has free parking on the High Street for which we should all be very grateful and support rather than seek to undermine the authority which has made this possible.”

Chris Adams, Mr Farage's campaign manager, said: "We agree with Mr Done, if people park on double yellow lines we have no problems but the problem is things are wrong.

"It's no good having the highways manual and not marking them up properly."

He added UKIP has obtained "substantial" evidence to back up its claims, which will be disclosed in coming weeks.