TWO WAITRESSES who used to serve tables at a long-standing Woodford Green Chinese a decade ago have taken it over in a bid to spice up the lives of residents.

Mary Lee, 35, and her best friend Tiffany Hu, 38, saw potential over ten years ago when they worked at the Woodford House Chinese restaurant in Woodford High Road.

After 30 years under the same management, the cosy little eatery has undergone a name change and a massive revamp.

There is also a new Asian fusion Malaysian menu.

Miss Lee, from Penang, Malaysia, was working at Redbridge Mayor Thomas Chan's favourite restaurant, Mandarin Palace in Gants Hill, when she heard her former work place was up for grabs.

She said: “When we were working here before me and Tiffany were the only two waitresses and I knew we could make it better.

“I chose the name Pelangi because it means rainbow, and when you see a rainbow it means everything will be alright.”

“My brother Joe is the chef and he has learnt everything he knows from our mother, who runs a little curry stand in Penang and is very famous in the local area.”

Miss Hu said: “When Mary first told me she was coming back here I thought 'are you mad?' because it wasn't so great before.

“But then she told me she was going to change it and make her dream, so I agreed to close my shop in Piccadilly Circus and come help her.

“I love this area and it's nice to be back.”