'LOVE blossoms' was given a new meaning this week as a paper tree plastered with romantic suggestions for teenagers was erected in Ilford Town Centre.

The 3D 'love tree' spread its roots on Wednesday (August 5) as part of Redbridge Council's R U Ready? programme, aimed at encouraging youngsters to find ways other than having sex to show a loved-one they care.

Sexy suggestions, such as sharing a meal and composing slushy songs, were posted on the sculpture's heart-shaped leaves, with all those contributing receiving a 'Safesacx' condom key ring for use in emergencies.

The council's Teenage Pregnancy team were also on hand to offer practical advice to teenagers about if and when to become sexually active.

Youngsters were also able to board the 'youth bus' where they were signposted to helpful local services, including free condoms, family planning and emergency contraception.

For more information, visit youngpeoplefriendly.co.uk