A keen Hampstead photographer has captured heartwarming signs of spring on the Heath as a family of swans showed off their new cygnets.

Selen Tosun Stone grabbed these photos on Sunday morning as the birds and their newborns were enjoying the weather.

At the time there were two unhatched eggs and nine cygnets taking to the water at one of the Heath ponds.

This Is Local London: As of Sunday morning the swans had two unhatched eggs and nine cygnetsAs of Sunday morning the swans had two unhatched eggs and nine cygnets (Image: Selen Tosun Stone)

"They were a wonderful family and very attentive parents," she said.

"We have lived in Hampstead for many years and I really enjoy taking photographs in the area."

Swans lay their eggs from mid-March onwards and incubate them for 42 days before they hatch.

This Is Local London: The attentive new parents on the Heath on SundayThe attentive new parents on the Heath on Sunday (Image: Selen Tosun Stone)

Over the years, the Heath's swans have inspired much interest, with the lockdown love story between Wallace and Mrs Newbie capturing the public's imagination and even leading to a picture book There's Something About Wallace by Dee McLean.

Swans usually mate for life, but in Mrs Newbie's case she was widowed when her first partner flew into a building. But she found love with Wallace when she was taken to a swan sanctuary.