Charity shopping: old fashioned or in fashion 



Let’s say you are walking around Kingston or your local town, desperately searching for so where to shop,some where new, some where exciting and in your desperate search you pass several charity shops perhaps ones titled “ cancer research UK” or “ the British heart founded “ or even “oxfam” ; but as per usual you brush them off, thinking “ oh I’d never go in those shops , they are filled with old rubbish, I’d never find anything in there!” Well, what if I told you that charity shops are becoming a newfound treasure trove of trendy, sustainable fashion. 


Well it’s true! With hundreds of trends rising in popularity there is not better way to hop on the new vintage fashion then delving deep into authentic vintage clothing that where really made in the 80s and 90s allowing you to perfectly fit in with the resurrection of that era's trends. 


Additionally, shopping second hand also saves your pocket and the planet with many charity shops selling stock ranging from less than a pound you are garenteed to find a bargain, occasionally you can even find some designer selling for shockingly low prices!


Furthermore, charity shopping is a great alternative to fast fashion that clogs up land fill as it saves pieces that other wise would have been chucked away. 


Lastly, charity shops are a brilliant way to support local charities, you are donating money whilst also gaining a new item to enjoy.

So next time you are in search for that perfect piece, don’t forget to neglect those charity shops!