Heart pounding. Nausea forming. Mind clouding. Tears: incoming. Crippling anxiety as a defenition is written to be 'severe anxiety that can significanlty intefere with the ability to function in day-to-day life' - (taken from talkspace). All of what I have described are symptons that are recognised to be severe anxiety and I constantly experience in my daily life. Me, class A overthinker and worrier in result for the longest time I could not understand why I had these feelings and much more concerningly what was causing them. Years went by of not being able to sleep, being very overprotective of everything that I see to be safe, interruption of my appetite and ALOT of crying. Presently, I still have thses emotions but at least with recignition of what these were, I was able to understand the deep complexities of the mind and find ways - with help - on how to deal with them.

Frequently I have felt out of control, over tired and really frustrated - this all being forms of my anxiety having to find an outlet somehow. At times, I have often felt lazy and asked myself why do I not have any motivation? Conclusively, it was my fears going into overdrive consequently leading me ti feel like I want to curl up in a tight ball in a dark room. This can be very frustrating and almost humiliating as it does stop you from being able to form day to day tasks and you always feel as though you have a constant burden living ontop of your sholders you just cannot seem to shake.

However, despite whatr others or youself tell you, this si not necessarily a bad thing. In fact it is not. Period. I like to call it a superpower as it has many benefits aswell. For example, from a personal perspective, I am extremely aware of how things may affect others and how others are feeling. This can be a lot to carry but it means I am sensitive to those around me. Moreover, I can empathise with people and feel as though I can form deeper connections; side note I have also been told I would make a great therapist *winky face*. Therefore, you can be extremely attentive to detail and can be a postitive influence on different perspectives. Like the cons, the pros are pretty much endless and helps being able to navigate anxiety that little bit easier.

In terms of tips on how to cope (which has taken a very long time so don't rush), firstly allow yourself to feel all the emotions you are feeling. They are valid and enabling acceptance of those feelings will bring a sense of calm as you are not fighting against them. Furthermore, distract yourself with something you really enjoy initially to remove your attention from the thing causing the anxiety. If the feelings proceed (unfortunately they most likely will) you can use sensory aids such as stress balls and holding ice as it focuses the negative sensation on another feeling. If you feel comfortable talking to someone this is a great way to remove the built up word vomit - they don't have to say anything they can just listen. If not you can write or draw your emotions - this way you have also unloaded them. Movement is also a helpful way of easing anxiety and obviously comes in many forms for preference. Lastly, breathwork and helplines are available which you can research in more depth. 

Sometimes when the mind begins to wander just think 'where am I right now, is there any immediate danger?' 'Are my feelings rational?' Remember your mind is a very powerful tool and being aware of how you feel means you are on the right path. Millions of people struggle with crippling anxiety - you are not alone and most importantly your feelings are most definately valid.