Gumley is an award winning school in terms of acidemacly and as well as in sports with a wide range of options to choose from from the sports category, such as football, basketball , tennis, badminton, netball, gymnastics, athletics and many more.

Football is a very competitive sport and enjoyable to watch as well as playing with skills and tactics as well being a good teammate on the field.

As Gumley have arrived to the Heathlands school, they were excited and ready to win once again another game of football. The match score was 2-0  and the Gumley girls were passing the ball ferouciously and carefully at the same time leading to their win after 30 minutes of hard work and dedication.

The dedication and hard work has paid off and this leads to the conclusion of 2-0 to Gumley and the final win.

In football the most important aspects of it as described to me by those who play it both professionally  and for fun is that it takes years to develop good skills by training consistantly atleast  few timesa week and participation in local football matches with the team that they are playing with as well as creating new friendships through teamwork and it boosts peoples confidence and generally makes them happy to have great skills in sports following a career of a footballer in the future or being a football teacher to coach younger players to continue success to run through for the next couple of years.