With just a couple of months left until your final GCSE or A-Level exams, effective revision is the key ingredient needed to secure the top grades. Content that has been covered for the last couple of years can be hard to recall or understand fully if one doesn’t carry out the revision process properly. There are several tips and tricks that people use to revise, however the important decision to make is to decide which technique suits you. Different revision techniques suit different people,therefore it's important to start your revision as soon as possible.


There are some proven techniques that help you retain information and increase the ability to recall them at a later date. Here are the best revision techniques that you should follow now.


1. Plan your day out and divide it into different chunks. By planning out what you are going to revise at a specific time, will help you cover a variety of topics and subjects throughout your revision time.

2. Get Organised. By organising your revision notes and textbooks you would know exactly where they are so you waste very little of your valuable time.

3. Flashcards. Once you have gotten organised and planned everything out, start making flashcards using a variety of resources. Flashcards help you summarise all the essential information you need and identify key gaps in your knowledge.

4. Make Mind-maps. By making mind-maps for specific topics in a particular subject you will be able to make links in the content. Making links will allow you to understand the key concepts and will make them stick to your long-term memory.

5. Past paper questions. Answering past paper questions will give you a gist of the type of questions that are likely to come up. The more past paper questions you do, the more you get the gist of the type of questions and the more confident you are for the final exams.

6. Blurting. Blurting is the process of writing down as much information as you can from your memory. The areas that you have missed out in a particular subject area are what you need to go over again. This method is more effective after a couple of days of your initial revision as it helps you spot key gaps in your learning.  


There isn’t a specific key to success for your exams. Perhaps, none of the revision techniques suit you. The key is to stay positive, relaxed and start your revision as early as possible in order to work out which method works for you.