Stress , stress is pure toxicity drilled withoin the nature of the human DNA , its always waiting to pounce on us from around the corner at any unexcepted time. dragging you down suffocating you from taking in the oxygen that keeps us going keeps us living , drowns us in deep deep waters , squeezing our beating hearts till they stop leaving us dead in our tracks .

  Gcses are around the corner and with it comes stress as it drags you deep into the pit of worry barricading you of from the real life , as your brains structures reform you start to think different your feelings are drained your emotions are cold and anxiety slowly starts to kill you , you feel tired but not physically tired not the sort of tired you feel after a long late night no this is different this doesn't stop this just carries on relentlessly in a never ending loop of mentally drained thoughts and feelings . 

Your alive but feel so dead 

GCSEs cause stress and the stress they cause isn't talked about enough its so emotion draining and mentally killing our joy . Sometimes taking a break is a solution. sometimes though it works for a period of time but the next day the feeling comes back but remember it will get better soon it will all be over in a few years none of this will matter so only do what you can mentally cope with push your self but never go over the limits because sometimes you cant come back. gcse bite hard they really do but you have to bite harder , carry on don’t let stress win prove it wrong .

 The power stress has is so underrated , it can take a life . It can take your life . 

Stress is so unimaginably strong but remember your stronger.