Did you know that in 2021/22 there were 109,843 racist hate crime incidents reported by police service in England and Wales? I believe that we would all agree that it is shocking that anyone would hurt someone, either physically or verbally, because of what? The colour of their skin? This type of behaviour dehumanises people of colour; affecting the mental health of many who relate as they cannot escape the abuse that they are forced to tolerate because of their skin colour.

Racism is like a disease; it is taught and learnt through each generation. Although, why are people racist? Is it because of white fragility, fear, or maybe even envy? It has been evident throughout history that white superiority has existed for a long time, white people have always had a difficult time comprehending that a person of colour can be smart and achieve ambitions that a white person can; and that mind-set still exists today amongst some white people and more specifically in workplaces and school systems. Another thing to consider is the harmful stereotypes; let me give you an example , a shop owner may accuse a person if colour of theft if they walked in their store, not directly accusing them but by keeping a close eye on them or another example being that black people are involved in gang violence. Being associated with gang violence purely because of their skin colour may negatively impact a person's mental health as they may think that no one can see them as anything other than violent - this leads to people hating themselves, insecurities and often sometimes suicide because of depression. Racism needs to be eradicated and society should promote equality for all groups so everyone feels valued and part of society (rather than marginalised). The University of Manchester reported that "over 40% of those who reported a racist incident said they were ignored or that they were subsequently identified as the trouble maker". It is appalling that people of colour have been let down repeatedly no matter where they are, in the workplace, in school, in the streets, they still have to endure the ill- treatment they receive.

No one deserves to be discriminated because of their skin colour. Racism is harmful to individuals and sections of society when left unchallenged. It can make people feel marginalised, unwelcomed, and it is unfair. My message is, you are amazing and do not give up achieving your ambitions because you can, no matter what others say to demonise you , reach your goals.