Donating or Dumping?

Thousands across the country regularly donate their unwanted clothes to charity shops such as Cancer Research UK, RSPCA, and Shelter.  Whilst these donations encourage and create a healthy chain of recycling clothes, providing cheap prices for struggling families and raise money for charity, stores are beginning to become overwhelmed by the vast number of items left outside, dumped by inconsiderate fly-tippers discarding the signs taped up pleading for them to not do so.  Andrew Harris (Director of Fundraising, Shelter) says, “Leaving stock outside a closed shop is technically fly tipping, which is illegal"  What may have been intended as a charitable act is in fact a crime. Not only is this a legal felony, but it is also pointless. Dumping encourages unwelcome behaviour including members of the general public rummaging through it and stealing the discarded stock in turn stealing from the profit the charity shop was supposed to gain from the donation; instead of helping those in need, dumping is supporting further crime.  Aside from the deterioration caused by the public, abandoned stock can often be damaged by temperate conditions such as storms or sleet forcing the employees to scrap the donations left with no facilities to clean and dry the ruined garments intended for sale. Furthermore, wild, or stray animals such as dogs and foxes can spoil and soil the contributions deeming it unsuitable to price and sell. In conclusion, whilst donating is a selfless honourable deed, donating and dumping are extremely different and in 99% of cases when stock is left outside a closed shop it is put straight in the landfill refuse bin which then costs the charity money and most importantly it is also bad for the environment too.