The secret history by Donna Tart is a phenomenal novel that follows a group of college students that continuously challenge societal morals and values. While performing an ancient roman festival that includes wild and drunken celebrations known as a bacchanal  they unintentionally murder an innocent man. What would you do in that moment?, turn yourself in? Cover it up?. Well the latter is what these students decided to do. As they fight to hide the truth from the world, the grave sin committed haunts them, with paranoia  right by their side every corner they turn; the students are burdened with the weight of not knowing what to do.


How much is Henry Winter to blame for?, the master mind behind every plan Henry inability to distinguish between right and wrong is extremely engrossing, not only does he quickly cover up to death of an innocent man murdered, he also plans the murder on his close friend, Bunny. Bunny also known as Edward is always in a humorous mood, his satiric use of language sets him up to be a likeable character. Although Edward is a good friend of Henry, the knowledge that his friends committed murder installs a sense of paranoia in him. As the group of friends comprehend that Edwards knowledge of the murder is a risk they set out to murder him.  The actions of these students goes against religious and societal morals and values doesn't it? What drove them to do this? Was it the fear of losing their whole future? Fear or being locked up and having no freedom?.... Or was it the satisfaction of feeling invincible, the satisfaction of not limiting your abilities to what's socially acceptable?.


Ask yourself this. In a world where murder is condemned, would you take the life of an innocent person to save youself?