Most people don’t even stop to consider the dangers of unlimited time on screens. There are many health risks associated with excessive television viewing. It can contribute to obesity from a young age, which in turn could lead to many heart problems as the children grow older. It could also, at a certain age, cause a heart attack from a lack of regular exercise. In addition to that, psychological problems are a possibility if inappropriate material is exposed. Moreover, if made an extreme addiction, television viewing can lead to eyesight damage and even more serious body aches as well as insomnia. Heavy TV viewing (up to 4 hours and more) perhaps reduces school performance along with communication with family members. Researchers from state that cutting down TV time to around 2 hours a day is healthy for preventing poor health. They also state that the pandemic made it difficult for people to remain physically active, therefore we must take this time to “catch-up” for all the physical exercise lost.

The most pernicious influence of television is that it can have a huge effect on the early developments on a child’s imagination and attitude. Instead of playing games with friends, listening to stories, and reading books, television allows untold damage to be done. Many parents would claim that television has its educational benefits and it’s undeniable that properly managed television viewing has good value. However, if not looked after carefully, the dangers outweigh the benefits and people need to stay alert.

This spring, there is much more to do compared to the last during this time of year. 
You could go outside to a local park and spend time with your friends, you could go for a run or a cycle in the sunshine. Don’t get me wrong, watching TV is a great way to pass the time, but it wouldn’t be so entertaining if made an addiction.