Lockdown has had so many impacts; they can be seen anywhere and everywhere,  whether you look at the larger things like the economy, or the small things like our restricted leisure. Various tips or activities were discovered and recommended to make up for the dullness, monotony, and limitations lockdown brought on. Many resorted to making blogs, or learning something online, and even picking up new hobbies. So, I decided to interview someone on what they started to keep motivated through lockdown. My interviewee was a family member -Vipul Gupta- who began running. His experience was truly fascinating and joyful to hear! Not only did running mitigate the tedium of lockdown, it was profoundly beneficial in terms of health.  


To begin with, I asked ‘What compelled you to choose running out of any sort of hobby’. He explained that not only was running great for going outdoors when permissible, ensuring rules are followed, ‘it seemed like the perfect way to maintain my health, especially because I've definitely been lazy during lockdown’. He outlined a very important, relevant point: the benefits of running both in relation to physical health, but mental too. Lockdown has been endlessly dreary, and running is not only great for enjoying the fresh air, but it releases endorphins- chemicals great at boosting our energy and mood! Vipul also added, ‘Running as a hobby makes me feel much less guilty when eating junk-food’. 

When asked if he has seen the benefits of running in himself, Vipul positively affirmed this saying ‘I have noticed the build-up in my stamina, but also find myself feeling much more content when the run is over’. He described running itself as a wonderful hobby: ‘not only does it feel great to just get out and be active, it often clears my mind up’. Elaborating how, after perhaps a tiresome, even stressful day, running is therapeutic in its own ways.  It was great to see someone succeed in uplifting themselves during such tough times, and even more inspiring.  

Finally, I asked Vipul what advice, or general comments, would he give someone wanting to begin running as their newfound hobby too. He asserted that ‘One thing I’ll say is take your time with it, you can even start with a jog, but what’s most important is recognizing what your body wants and can handle’. Continuing on to say ‘...slowly you will notice how your physical limits are extending, but even what it's doing for you mentally. The main thing, he felt, was keeping your best interests at heart. This is so key, especially as hobbies are something to enjoy and find your best self in.  


The interview only affirmed how advantageous running is, physically and mentally, as a hobby. It also reasserted that there indeed is a way to find positivity in lockdown. Aside from physical activity, there are a myriad of other hobbies you could take up. Escaping the boredom and inactivity that lockdown breeds is crucial. Though it is difficult, motivating ourselves as such is so beneficial in the moment and in the end. Vipul himself told me: ‘Yes lockdown truly had been down and sluggish at times, but it forced me to find something I know will continue being valuable after lockdown ends’.