"Zimowisko" is the word used in Polish Scouting (called Harcerstwo in Polish) to describe a winter camp. The latest Zimowisko jointly organised by the 7th, 25th and 34th Drużyny Harcerskie (scouting troops) began on the 27th of December and was due to last 5 days. 

Polish scouting has been around in the UK since 1946 after a wave of immigration caused by the communist takeover in Poland after the Second World War. Ever since, Polish scouting abroad has grown substantially with events like camps, conventions and even zimowiskos like this one happening by the hundreds.

This years theme of the Zimowisko was "Olimp" where many of the activities were based on ancient Greek culture and mythology, such as designing shields based on demigods or creating togas. Other activities were more classic scouting activities such as survival skills, singing around a campfire and forest games.

All 17 participants seemed to have enjoyed the experience. After asking one of them for their opinion, I was told that he "found it interesting" and that "it was fun". Whilst the Zimowisko was unfortunately cut a day short after one of the participants was diagnosed with a positive covid test, it was described by Michał Kałdon (who was one of the organisers) as a success, and that whilst whilst shorter than intended the four days that it lasted went well, so it's fair to say it went well as a whole.