As we’re encountering the digital age, many people resort to social media and digital means of entertainment rather than traditional activities like reading books, but is this the case for most people? 


Before the world faced the unprecedented year of 2020 and covid, reading culture was slipping dangerously into the category of a forsaken activity, with a significant decrease in readers all around the world. Although, arguably, the monotony of lockdown sparked an interest in many to pick up books and reinstate their love for reading. Despite the increasing numbers of book readers all around the world following lockdown, many still remain reluctant to read, which is ultimately tampering with their intelligence levels and surprisingly, self-esteem too.


But what does this mean for future generations? According to ‘The National Literacy Trust’ in 2019, 25% of under-18s spent time per day reading a book. Such dismal statistics prove to be a cause for concern since research suggests that there is a strong correlation tied between children reading frequently and performing higher in IQ tests in comparison to children who don’t read books often. 


The staggering decrease in young readers proves concerning for their intelligence as children today may grow up to have lower literacy skills and poorer academic performances. An avid reader, Bronia Morgan, says how “Reading is important for children because it gives them somewhere to escape to when they’re struggling with life, which overall will significantly improve their mental health.” 


Evidently, reading is integral for the mental growth and development of not only children, but adults too, whilst also proving to be the backbone of effective communication skills in young adults. Choosing not to read is an inane idea. Why not enhance your literacy skills by reading a few pages per day?