If you love dogs, you might enjoy Puppy Yoga London - the new, well-being class with animals…

On arrival at the central London studio, we were welcomed in and introduced to a super-cute sausage dog puppy and a brutish-looking French bulldog. We took our places on our individual pink exercise mats and listened to our instructor Anton who explained how the session would work. Anton told us how important it is to respect the wishes of the puppies – sometimes they want to be cuddled and sometimes they want to roam. He explained that the last session of the day is a really good one to choose because the puppies are tired and much calmer compared to the early morning session.

With the rules done, the yoga began with us mirroring Anton’s bendy moves and a litter of labradoodles running free, investigating us all and the many toys scattered across the floor.  They were so adorable, very happy to play and we enjoyed lots of cuddles.  

I felt so relaxed and it was so much fun.  I didn’t think about all my A-Level worries and all the things I need to do. It gave me a complete escape from everyday stresses.  I’ve always found animals are great during times of worry and this class is such a brilliant experience.  “I am recommending puppy yoga as a mental well-being tool to all my friends,” (Quote - Sarah Bolton)

The session comprised 10 mins of yoga (no previous experience needed and all very gentle, going at our own pace) then puppy time. Optional, extra yoga exercises were offered during the remaining 50 mins but most of us played with the puppies instead.  

See puppy-yoga.co.uk for more information and gorgeous pictures.