A new charity has been launched to help looked after children achieve their potential.

Barnet Council has become the first ever local authority to launch its own charity, Live Unlimited, which will aim to help looked after children and care leavers with the opportunities, support and inspiration to follow their dreams.

As part of the charity the council established the Imagination Trust, which will allow looked after children and care leavers to apply for small individual grants for activities such as ballet lessons, theatre trips or extra curricular activities.

Charity trustee Brett Service, who was a Barnet looked after child himself and now works in Barnet Council’s children’s service as an apprentice, said: "It is a privilege to be part of a charity that works to inspire Barnet’s care experienced young people.

"As a Barnet care leaver myself I understand the positive impact the work of Live Unlimited will have on the young people who access the services offered by the charity."

The charity aims to help the 326 looked after children and 216 care leavers in Barnet, with their main aims to encourage children to follow their passions and explore their interests, help equip them with life skills and inspire them to succeed.

Like any other charity, people can donate or fundraise for Live Unlimited.

Anyone wishing to make a donation or find out more can do so online by visiting liveunlimited.org.uk