More than 1,500 children in Kingston and Richmond will receive Christmas gifts thanks to a church's Growbaby scheme.

The chosen children were nominated by different agencies working in the boroughs, such as health visitors, social workers, midwives and support workers.

Noni Farrelly, who runs the campaign as part of the Kingston Vineyard church, said: “It has been incredible to watch this part of Growbaby develop year on year, we are so excited when we hear that children who might not receive a gift at all this Christmas get something they really wanted.

“This year we were even given a play station and a number of amazing gifts. We reckon there are about £50,000 of gifts given out over all.”

For the past 11 years or so, Growbaby has worked with Epsom College where children and staff provide most the gifts at their annual Toy Service.

This year, at the last minute, the venue for wrapping and storing gifts let them down and, with help from Councillor Andrea Craig, Surbiton High School offered their sixth form centre to be used instead.

In the last two years they have also worked alongside the Met police Christmas tree appeal.

During the year the charity supports local families by providing free baby clothes and equipment for 0-5 regardless of income, faith or background.

Their drop-in centre “The Hub” is also used by Kingston Hospital for its antenatal classes for young parents.