With exam boards becoming stricter and teachers starting to cave under the pressure, people have started to forget the thoughts and feelings of the subjects of the experiment.The new 9 – 1 GCSEs is the hot topic on the tongues of year 10 and 11 students and we want to know what you really think about the GCSEs. 

The new 9 –1 GCSEs are stress inducing for many secondary school teachers and often mean more time is needed in planning lessons.However not many people seem that interested in what we ( GCSE students) feel about being guinea pigs for the exam boards.One student told me that she felt "pressured to perform well" and be "an example for" her "younger siblings" and especially now that the GCSEs are new and supposedly more difficult, the pressure and not to mention stress seems to be weighing down on the shoulders of students. 

The library is almost always packed and the exam season hasn't even started properly in our school.Students are also refusing to go home when they're sick because they might miss an important lesson that could be the difference between an 8 and a 9. Our school seems to has turned into an exam factory but it "is only for our benefit.We need to become familiarised with the structure of the new exam questions". One student said "I feel envious of year 7 and younger students as they have more time to adjust to the new system meaning they don't feel as overwhelmed by the new information like I do." This just goes to show how hard it really is for students like me to adjust to the new GCSEs. 

By Bethany Acquah, Brampton Manor Academy