A former Enfield councillor who was given the freedom of the borough has died.

Alexander Mattingly, who served as a Labour councillor for over 20 years, died on February 27, at the age of 88.

He also served as president of the Edmonton Labour party, and in 2012 was made an honorary freeman of the borough.

His daughter Naomi Mattingly said he retained an active interest in politics up until his death after a short illness.

She said: “He was very involved, he loved his job and he loved the Labour party.

“Both he and my mother were very active, they both wanted to make a difference, they never sat back and let somebody else do it.

“He could talk for hours, but he never just talked, he was always busy.

“We were brought up in that environment of our parents being under constant public scrutiny, but it never felt like we were being neglected – for all they worked hard, they were always there for us.

“We are all still in shock that he has gone, physically he was frail, but mentally he was as acute as ever, it was all very sudden.

“I haven’t come to terms with it at all yet, but his funeral was so nice, there were so many people there who let us know they appreciated him.”

Born in Edmonton in 1928, Mr Mattingly’s father was an active trade unionist, a trait he passed on to his son – alongside his council duties, he worked as an industrial relations director and for print union SOGAT, dealing with Robert Maxwell among others.

After serving his army service in India where became a sergeant, he married Pat Gibbins in 1947.

They were both active members of the Labour party, up until Pat’s death in 2011.

Mr Mattingly served as Labour councillor in various Edmonton wards for over 20 years, before retiring after representing Edmonton Green, in 2006.

He also served as a governor of two schools – The Latymer School on Haselbury Road, Edmonton, and his former primary school, Fleecefield.

He is survived by his five children, Alan, James, Jill, Susan and Naomi, four grandchildren, one great-granddaughter and his brother, Peter.