Is your lounge feeling tired and tatty? A New Year makes many people reassess their homes and often the lounge is the first place to invest in a makeover.

Start by deciding on a colour scheme – a piece of artwork, rug or even tiling around a fireplace can be used as your starting point.

Think about creating a focal point in the room: often in a lounge this is the fireplace, but it may be the TV or a feature wall in an accent colour, or stunning wallpaper.

A big issue in a lounge is often where to put the TV, and it is crucial to work this out early as ideally you want to ensure any electrical points are positioned correctly and wiring hidden.

Increasingly clients want to make the TV the focal point in the room by placing the TV on the wall.

Make sure it is not too high – make a template out of newspaper (News Shopper works fine) and stick this to the wall first before making any final decisions.

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Think about installing a sound bar or home cinema system at the same time. A simpler option is to have the TV freestanding on an AV unit. This allows flexibility for your TV set up to change and grow.

Furniture should be grouped for ease of conversation, or to ensure everyone has a good view of the TV, depending on the focus of the room!

Think about how you like to use your sofa and choose a style accordingly.

For instance, if you like to rest your laptop on one arm choose a style with flat arms. Similarly L-shaped sofas look very modern and relaxing but are not always the best choice if you entertain a lot.

There are many good quality sofas sold through the internet but I would always recommend clients visit the showroom and try out the sofa first.

Finally think about adding in some unique pieces to make the lounge feel different such as a vintage chair to create visual interest, or a statement light. Accessorize with cushions to add texture and interest.

  • Jeni Madden, owner of JMdesign provides affordable interior design consultancy, and can be contacted through , or call 020 8462 1572.