OWLS, traditionally messengers of doom, will be the focus of an autumn play scheme run by conservation charity A Rocha UK.

Things That Go Screech In The Night will help youngsters see what owls eat – by examining their pellets! The one-day special takes place on Wednesday, October 29, 1-4pm at Minet Country Park, Hayes.

‘We’ll be searching for owl pellets, then dissecting them to discover what an owl eats,’ said A Rocha education officer David Melville.

“We’ll look at the owl population in general to determine how they’re doing and if there’s anything we can do to help.’ Featuring a range of games and crafts, the event is aimed at those aged 5-11 and costs £3. The fee is waived for children entitled to free school meals.

The maximum number the event will accommodate is 30, so booking is essential.

To reserve a place for your child, call Maria Masih on 020 8574 5935 or email maria.masih@arocha.org This is an unaccompanied event and refreshments will be provided about halfway through the programme.

“The weather is unpredictable,” warned David, “so it’s best to watch the forecast and wear appropriate footwear.”