I’ve had a great week and hope you have too.

It began with me getting stuck into my new exploit, bikram yoga, and I’ve finally started to feel my body returning to its former pre-baby self.

I had to work on Saturday and, while away, my toddler had a small accident, falling over as he excitedly ran to see the postman.

Michael rang and told me and I felt so helpless. It wasn’t anything serious and daddy was there for cuddles, but it made me think of the struggle lots of parents have when striking that home/work balance.

So far there has always been one parent with our children which comes with its own set of obstacles… and critics, but it works for the four of us.

At the end of the day it’s up to parents to decide how they want to raise their children.

Also this week, my baby daughter has learned the art of blowing raspberries very effectively.

I’ve been sprayed with all sorts of food ranging from pureed apple, baby rice and chicken casserole making anything I’m wearing fashionably spotty and preventing me from seeing clearly through my glasses.

She finds it hilarious and looks so cute I can’t help but laugh with her. Even my son has started coming up to clean her face with a wipe just to get involved with proceedings.

He’s been obsessed with his new Lego Duplo sets daddy ordered for him, so everywhere I go in the house I’m carefully avoiding stepping on rogue pieces.

He’s so creative and talks me through his creations like an architect describing his masterpiece. It’s so cute.

As well as that, Michael has a new job which will be keeping him busy over the coming weeks, so I’ll look forward to a tidy house.

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