This week I am going to get a few things off my chest…because I can.

It is funny how becoming a mum makes you notice and value little things more, things that just never occurred to me when I was young and without a care in the world.

The other day I walked into a shop to get an oil tablecloth for our kitchen table, as my son had started trying to squish some of his dinner on to it, which he thinks is very amusing.

Michael and I walked in and were told what we needed was upstairs, but unfortunately there was no lift. They were happy for us to leave the pram downstairs though.

Err, excuse me? Leave the pram and bags?

I am sure they would have been perfectly safe, but we were not going to risk it for a table cloth.

I thought shops were legally obliged to have a lift, after all, how would disabled customers access the area of the shop on the first floor?

Another gripe is when I take Elijah out for lunch. He loves going to new places and trying new food, so thought it would be fun.

Unfortunately, the place we went to could only offer a bit of pasta with some tomato sauce. It was so bland, it is no wonder he was not up for eating it.

Luckily I had packed some chopped fruit and breadsticks.

Come on restaurants, younger customers are just as important.

Finally, to top it all off, I visited another establishment for an informal meeting and when I went to find the baby changing facilities was told they were only in the men’s toilets.

Now I have nothing against men having the option to change nappies, but what about mothers?

I do not particularly want to see more than I had bargained for while changing a nappy.

Anyway I feel much better after that. And breathe.
