As day turns to night, and the year comes to a close, a familiar red silhouette can be seen approaching the shoppers at Tesco Shopping Centre.

This year, for one day only, the iconic Coca-Cola Truck has appeared in the Tesco car park in Watford. Free drinks are being offered to visitors and plenty of photographs are being taken.

The now-iconic design of the Coca-Cola Truck first gained popularity when it was featured in Coca-Cola’s 1995 Christmas advert. The trucks were called the ‘Christmas Caravans’ and were decorated with Santa’s face and covered in more than 30,000 bulbs.

Fast forward almost 30 years, and the trucks are now a staple of Christmas time in the UK too and a sign that the year is ending. It may be a while until the truck shows up again, but its appearance tonight was nothing short of magical.